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Hetalia RPG Forum

5 posters

    RP Sample Thread

    Adam Banjora / Australia
    Adam Banjora / Australia
    I´m a Zoo!
    I´m a Zoo!

    Cantidad de envíos : 583
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-20
    Edad : 35
    Localización : Australia

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Adam Banjora / Australia Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:12 am

    Hey nice ^^ make an account and one of us, *i will if im not in class* will activate it for you! Welcome!

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Monaco Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:49 pm

    Character Name: Axelle Bonnefoy/Monaco
    RP Sample:
    Axelle’s manicured nails tapped on the surface of her hardwood table as she stared at the cards in front of her with a blunt annoyance. The cards were taunting her, she swore it, even if she was only playing solitare with the pack that she kept on her at almost all times. Affairs of state had kept her at home for far too long and she’d had no time to see any of her family, an extremely important part of her life. Frowning again, she placed all of the cards back into the deck and into the box. Standing from her chair, she decided that she had to go see her brother, and perhaps they’d hit the town together. It’d also been far too long since she had any fun. Many nations commented on her anxiety over world issues and general seriousness, but when you got right down to it, she was still a Bonnefoy. And this Bonnefoy had been way too stressed for far too long. Hopefully both of her issues would soon be remedied.

    She rose from the table and quickly ascended the stairs to her room. Her appearance was... unsatisfactory, to say the least. Her clothes were wrinkled and her shirt had a stain, she'd been far too busy to take care of herself. The braid that kept her hair loosely in place was frizzy and stray hairs were flying everywhere. If they were to go out to a club... she'd need to dress decently. Not extremely nicely, she could spill something on one of her nice blouses or dresses, but not like a slouch, of course either. She'd never allow herself to go out in public like that. Not that she was intending to get 'messed up' either. Losing control was far too dangerous for Axelle's tastes. Although, for her brother...

    A grimace of distaste graced her face lightly before she was brought back to the battle with her hair. She had removed the ties and began attacking it with a brush while scanning her closet. Not a moment was to be wasted, brother/sister bonding time was too precious! Perhaps on their outing they would bring along Feliciano or Lovino as well. The more the merrier! Once her hair was satisfactory and her clothes were picked out and put on, she observed herself in the full-length mirror occupying the corner of her room. Now she looked presentable- pretty, even. Perfect for a night on the town. Now to find her brother...

    ((OTL Sorry if it's too short!))
    Adam Banjora / Australia
    Adam Banjora / Australia
    I´m a Zoo!
    I´m a Zoo!

    Cantidad de envíos : 583
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-20
    Edad : 35
    Localización : Australia

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Adam Banjora / Australia Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:03 pm

    Hey great sample! Make an account and I'll activate it!

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Monaco Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:44 pm

    Ah... Oops! I made one before I posted the RP sample. ^^; Under the same character name, though, so everything should be fine I think. ^^;;;
    Adam Banjora / Australia
    Adam Banjora / Australia
    I´m a Zoo!
    I´m a Zoo!

    Cantidad de envíos : 583
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-20
    Edad : 35
    Localización : Australia

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Adam Banjora / Australia Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:45 pm

    Found it! You've been activated :3 please make an intro and get an avatar and come say hi!

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty RP Sample

    Post by Belgium Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:55 am

    Character Name: Emma Janssens
    RP Sample:

    The view was lovely outside, the moon was shining its silvery blue, and only few clouds littered the blue sky that night, none covering the beauty of the glowing moon. The moon wasn't full, it was about... Three quarters full? Yeah, the Representative of Belgium would go with that. It looked about three quarters full, which meant it would be a full moon soon enough. It wasn't an important thing to think about now, though. The blond woman smiled a very cat-like smile and plopped a piece of chocolate in her mouth, letting it melt on her tongue a moment before swallowing.
    Emma loved the taste of chocolate. And it didn't matter the type.

    Dark chocolate.
    Milk chocolate.
    Minty chocolate.

    Chocolate was just amazing in any form!

    Emma kept her green eyes glued to the night sky, plopping another piece of the milk chocolate in her mouth.
    As she watched the sky, she spotted a cloud that sort of resembled Netherlands' pipe (well, it looked like it to her anyway), causing her to choke on the piece chocolate she had in her mouth. "W-wah! Watching the clouds can be dangerous!" she managed to exclaim through a fit of choking coughs, falling backwards and landing on her back with an 'oof'. Luckily she had been sitting on her porch and not on something she'd have fallen high from. She let out a bothered sigh, blowing her blond locks out of her face after her coughing fit ended.

    Belgium laid there a moment, eyes closed as she caught her breath. It was a chilly night, she finally noticed. She should be heading inside before she caught a cold, or something of that nature. A sick Belgium was not a happy Belgium. 'If I got sick, then I'd have to stay in bed and eat chicken noodle soup. I couldn't go to the cafe' and buy any pastries! And any chocolate I ate would taste like it came from England...!' she thought to herself, the mere thought made her get to her feet and scurry off inside, pulling her orange scarf tighter around her neck and face.

    It was nice and warm inside her house, and smelled like a bakery! Of course it was because the blond loved baking all the time when she wasn't out shopping or with her older brother!

    Speaking of which, Belgium wondered what Netherlands was up to... Oh well, she'd just visit him tomorrow!
    Adam Banjora / Australia
    Adam Banjora / Australia
    I´m a Zoo!
    I´m a Zoo!

    Cantidad de envíos : 583
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-20
    Edad : 35
    Localización : Australia

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Adam Banjora / Australia Thu Aug 18, 2011 5:16 am

    Hey nice sample! Feel free to make an account and I'll activate it!

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Finland Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:21 am

    Character Name: Tino Väinämöinen, or better known as: Finland
    RP Sample:

    The winter silence was heavy and oppressing, and the only sound filling the air was the steady crunch of boots as feet pushed forward. Snow had ceased falling well into the afternoon, and as the sun began to set, the air grew colder and incidentally the white puff beneath his feet became even harder to walk in. But it was no matter. The Nordics were built to basically swim in the snow, and Tino was no exception. He had no trouble picking up his feet anymore.

    There was a faint smell of smoke in the air, a bomb dropped from a Soviet plane not long before, but the white landscape was strangely absent of any carnage. Not surprising. The Finnish hadn't suffered many casualties, but still enough to make Tino's heart twinge for his precious home. There had been no real reason to invade Finland other than to obtain a bit of territory, and in the end - even though the Soviet's had outnumbered them by landslides in soldiers and tanks - well, tiny and cold little Finland had kicked Soviet Russia's ass to Australia and back.

    In the end, they had gotten what they wanted.

    Giving a heavy sigh, Tino trudged forward, pulling his coat tighter around him and gripping the gun at his waist. World War his firm butt. Stupid Germany and it's stupid vendetta against France. Stupid Sweden and his stupid bending over backwards for Germany. Stupid Russia and his power trip. And screw his boss for ever getting them involved.

    "Urgh!" Gripping his hat in his hand, Tino gave an uncharacteristic cry of frustration, threw it onto the ground, and gave it one good stomp... before realizing he'd just soaked all he had to keep his head warm.


    Had Tino not been alone, he wouldn't be outright showing his anger and frustration towards the entire situation. No cursing in Finnish, no crying out in rage or kicking lumps of snow in fury. But now that the Winter War was all said and done, there was still tons of conflict involved... and well, freakin' Russia had ruined his precious Christmas. Nobody ruined a Finnish Christmas. And that was precisely why Finland had kicked them seven ways to Sunday.

    Now silently muttering curses at Sweden and Germany, the Fin trudged on, shoulders slumped and an uncharacteristic scowl on his face. He wasn't pouting. He wasn't pouting because he had lost 11% of his pre-war territory. He wasn't pouting because that bastard Ivan's face had been smug or anything. And he wasn't pouting because his boss hadn't let him punch the ass in the face. No, Tino was too cheerful to pout. It was one of the reasons nobody ever realized his brute strength.

    An hour of walking and an hour of muttering under his breath, Tino was back at base camp. The Russian's had left already, so the soldiers were a bit higher in spirits, and when Tino began seeing people again that smile was back on his face. Especially when a cup of hot chocolate was shoved in gloved hands and he was shoved into the mess 'hall' with the giant brigade of soldiers that sat around - looking war torn but cheerful.

    Tino was more than happy to sit himself next to one of his favorite Lieutenants, chattering away animatedly about the look on the Russian's faces towards the end of the war, and how not to worry, the German's were strong. Tino just nodded and smiled, laughing at all the right places.

    Yet all the while, there was a small knot in his stomach signaling their conflict was still not yet over, and that they were fighting alongside Germany for simple fear of being crushed.

    It showed in his face but he said nothing to his boss or the few German soldiers here and there. After all, he was just the cute face of Finland.
    Ivan Braginski/Russia
    Ivan Braginski/Russia
    Sunflower Sadist
    Sunflower Sadist

    Cantidad de envíos : 477
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-19
    Edad : 53
    Localización : Russia

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Ivan Braginski/Russia Sat Aug 27, 2011 5:31 am

    My jaw dropped at your sample. That was by far one of the coolest things I've ever read. I love how you made Finland... A MAN.Congrats, you were accepted! You can make your account I'll activate it!

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re; Roleplay Sample

    Post by Sesel Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:21 am

    Character Name: Michelle Laroche

    RP Sample:

    As always, the temperature outside was rather warm, the air breezy, not too much but not too little, the beautiful ocean waves pushing upward on the sandy beach before getting pulled backwards, every now and then the water would inch a bit closer than last time, but it stayed a good distance away from the brunettes house, never coming to close to make her think her house was going to flood or something of that sort, and if it did surely she'd be warned by the news stating a storm was coming before hand, and that'd give her enough time to get to safety, it was the perfect weather, to anyone in Seychelles, anyway.
    It was the early afternoon, the sun was beating down on anyone who was outside and not shaded, but everyone was use to it; probably even enjoyed it. Seychelles herself was holding a sword fish in her hands, bouncing slightly on the balls of her feet, a small smile on her face as she watched the waves, the water reaching her toes. "What a lovely day, seems I have nothing to worry about!" her voice was rather cheerful, hazel eyes glistening in glee. No France to sexually harass her, no England to be a prude, yes, this was the life.~

    It would be nice if Sealand was around; he was good fun and no where near a Jerk of Jerks like England! Stupid batard. . . ! Seychelles thought, a unlady-like scowl appearing on her face for the briefest of moments, the sound of her stomach growling cutting her mental-rant short.

    Seychelles was hungry, the protesting of no food in her stomach made that clear, and like any normal person when you were hungry you went and made yourself something to eat, no? So, that's exactly what Seychelles did.

    Turning on around, facing her house, Seychelles heaved a small sigh, determined to cook something appetizing. She marched straight into her house, shutting the screen door behind her and leaving the front door open, she enjoyed the ocean view, and went straight to her kitchen. She got out countless items; herbs, spices, plates, meats, left-overs, you named it and it would be there.

    "Okay, now what does France usually do. . . ?" Seychelles questioned herself, tapping her chin. Not that she'd ever admit it out loud if the pervert was around but, damn could France cook; anything he made was delicious! Sadly, Seychelles lacked all skills in cooking. "I can do this, oui?" she didn't know who she was asking, she simply was talking to herself, she supposed. Or maybe the swordfish she had under her arm.

    Seychelles soon set the fish down, grabbed a pot and began to put countless items in it, filling it with water and other liquids she deemed usable, humming to herself in delight. She was such a good cook, she should pat herself on the back! Way better than England, he must have no taste buds whatsoever, how could he call the crap he made edible?It was horrible, disgusting, an abomination! Seychelles could go on, but the smell of something burning snapped her out of her thoughts. She rushed to the stove, examining her 'master-piece'. "Needs more pepper." she stirred the pot full of items like crazy, adding more stuff every minute, eyes full of adornment. She was a master cheif!

    . . .

    "S-see? France isn't the only one with the ability to make d-delicious things!" Seychelles stared at the pile of gook on a plate, her words stutterish.

    What the hell did she just create?

    ". . . I think it winked at me."

    Hello! I'm really sorry, I haven't ever roleplayed as Seychelles before, that is an epic fail.

    If this needs to be edited at all, I re-do it!

    Also, I registered but I couldn't but 'Seychelles' so, I put 'Sesel' for 'Repiblik Sesel' another way to say the Republic of Seychelles. I hope that was okay.

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Re: Roleplay Sample

    Post by Sesel Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:27 am

    I meant the name as Victoria, I'm sorry I forgot the name I used for Registering! So, Victoria not Michelle
    Alfred Jones/America
    Alfred Jones/America
    Hamburger Hero
    Hamburger Hero

    Cantidad de envíos : 310
    Fecha de inscripción : 2011-02-11
    Edad : 32
    Localización : Washington D.C

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Alfred Jones/America Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:51 am

    Awww~ Cute rp sample~! I think you did great at Sey, especially since it's your first time~! >u< I'll go activate your account~! ouob

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Sujuice Wed Sep 28, 2011 3:47 pm

    Character Name: Im Yong Soo (aka South Korea)

    RP Sample:

    It had been another long night where the pesky Internet addiction had led the Korean to sit at his computer 5 hours straight clicking at random links to various websites from one page to another.

    Yong could stop whenever he wanted to, of course, but for some reason his brain insisted on learning about trivial things from "how to make your own toothpaste" to "how to make kimchi in space", and so he spent the rest of his free night being whisked away in the Internet (that for sure was created by the Koreans, no doubt). He had stopped reading about "how many times does it take to lick to the center of a tootsie pop" when he saw an innocent little link, directing him to "Asian breasts", one of which his finger did click to by impulse.

    Needless to say, his impulse was well rewarded. Wide brown eyes stared at hundreds of pictures of bare chests, all of which were "Left Click + Save Image as"-d into his secret folder, quicker than it took to read that encyclopedia dramatica article on Japan. The odd face on his stray curl mimicking the flood of thoughts that whirled in his mind with every passing pornographic image his eyes viewed. The download window list had nearly doubled in size in the passing few minutes-- with every image the Korean's paranoia increased to the point a scrape of a tree branch against his window immediately made him to flip his laptop screen down and glance around the room. He exhaled the breath he didn't knew he held, and flipped open the screen back to fully close that tab, delete all of his history with a small sigh. He wouldn't know what to do if his Hyung saw any of this.

    Hey um, so -- I sort of used to be a member of this site-- Meena Ayyar (South India) if you remember? I think I left here because I got too busy last year ._.b-- but I promise to try being more active on here than the chat (if you guys still have that thing anyway). And I sort of remembered all the good times I had here and well-- I saw Korea wasn't taken and-- being a mainly Korea rper I thought I'd give a go;;.

    I hope this will do, sorry that this is a rather old rp sample-- I can type up a new one if needed!!

    Feliciano Vargas/Italy
    Feliciano Vargas/Italy
    Pasta-loving boy
    Pasta-loving boy

    Cantidad de envíos : 663
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-19
    Localización : Venezia

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Feliciano Vargas/Italy Wed Sep 28, 2011 4:04 pm

    Meena~ owo/ Long time no see~ /owo/ But your Korea is very amusing to me, of course you can come back and claim if if you would like! =w=b I'll activate the account.

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Sujuice Thu Sep 29, 2011 1:21 am

    waaah thanks so much jada <33 *snugglehuggle*

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Chibi Romano - RP Sample

    Post by Louise Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:15 pm

    Character Name: Chibi Romano
    RP Sample:

    The young Italian wandered into the open field. Who cares what the old and ugly people think? He thought. The boy kneeled down and picked up a tomato. It gleamed a bright red in the sun.

    He clenched his teeth and thought of punching Spain in the stomach. Then he stuffed the small tomato in his rather awkward dress. Chibi Romano turned, walking towards the shade of a tall tree.
    Suddenly, something big and red fell on his head. He fell over and hit his head on the trunk whle tumbling. Romano sat up and swore. He grumbled as he took the bruised tomato out of his pocket and threw it behing him. He stared at the red thing.

    "Okay, you jerks, you can't just throw stupid tomatoes on my head all the time!" He groaned. Romano looked up, but no one was in the tree. He cautiously stepped towards the red fruit, or vegetable, or whatever it was. It didn't look like a tomato at all. He picked it up like it was fragile. What in the world was this?

    I always found Chibi Romano adorable. I don't know if Italy has his big bro yet, ifhe does, I'm just going to be Chibi then. >.>
    I was skimming through your roleplays and I thought they were all hilarious, heheheh... I wonder when the Italy Bros will run out of pasta and freak out like one of the World Series episodes... I'd like to see that Razz
    (Yes, that was an apple that fell on his head. And call me Louise in OOC parts, woo!)
    Rock on, Hetalia peeps! Very Happy
    Ivan Braginski/Russia
    Ivan Braginski/Russia
    Sunflower Sadist
    Sunflower Sadist

    Cantidad de envíos : 477
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-19
    Edad : 53
    Localización : Russia

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Ivan Braginski/Russia Sun Oct 16, 2011 3:48 am

    That's so precious, lol.
    I'll be accepting your account. ~ouo~

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Thanks ^^

    Post by Convidad Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:29 am

    Ivan Braginski/Russia wrote:That's so precious, lol.
    I'll be accepting your account. ~ouo~

    Thanks xD You guys are AWESOME! (Apology to Prussia >.>)

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Antarctica redo (now that i know what I'm supposed to do)

    Post by E.Alhoon Sat Nov 19, 2011 6:33 am

    Character Name: Gabe Uttierfli/Antarctica

    Gabe sits down on the ice and takes a look at his clipboard, "Ice, ice, ice, snow, and more ice, what was America expecting me to record down here anyway?" He turns as he hears some footsteps in the snow "Oh hey Ping, found anything actually worth recording?" Rolling Eyes he rolls his eyes as the penguin sits down next to him. He lays back and lets his thoughts start to wander. "I still cant think of a solution to your flight problem" the penguin looks at him and then goes back to staring into the distance. "Well, nothing much to do here, guess its nap time." The penguin looks at him with a criticizing look, "Ping, it's always nap time here" Sleep

    After a while, he wakes up to a frantic squawking. "what is it Ping?" he says drowsily, then, looking around at the waters surrounding them and the currents pushing their chunk of ice north, he realizes that he chose a very bad spot to nap. "Ah well, too late to worry about it now." reclining back, "I wonder if there'll be any mangoes where i land..."

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Roleplay Sample

    Post by Poppi Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:46 am

    Character Name:

    RP Sample:
    "Oh dear me, the living expensive just seem to be getting higher and higher every day! Too bad I can't switch with Andorra... No taxes..." Seychelles muttered to herself, pushing her imaginary glasses up her nose. She didn't wear glasses or need them, but she was sure she'd soon be wearing a pair with as much reading and writing she had been doing lately, calculating and doing important things for her Boss. She'd be like... America! Except she didn't think glasses would fit her, so she'd be weird looking! And she was active, what if she accidentally broke them?! Or if they got swept away in the sea while she was swimming?! She wasn't like Monaco, Monaco was more mannered and didn't roll around for the hell of it! Seychelles on the other hand was very active! "And if they break..." I'll have to spend a lot of money to replace them...! Would she ever get a break?! Probably not, she was an Island Country and had to do her fair share of work. Besides, some of the older countries had been fighting in horrible wars and such... She really shouldn't complain... "Gah, but I can't help it!" Groaning, the brunette face planted, her face coming in contact with many pieces of paper, and after she had done the act she was regretting it because now her face stung.

    Too bad Sealand wasn't around, she could build sand castle and go swimming with the only cool Kirkland brother, he was fun and not stuck-up! And always helped her poke fun of England whenever the older blond was around and barking out orders. Stupid tea-drinker, not even offering to help me with all this... Shaking her head, she sat properly again and stretched her arms above her head. It'd be nice if she was a kid again, she had been so cute and her Boss' never bothered her with a thing! Just made sure she was okay, but once she grew up they finally realized she could handle her share of things, and dumped a load on her. But it wasn't always so bad, she did want to become more independent as a person-nation! She could just use a break some times...

    "Which right now, it doesn't sound so bad!" Standing to her feet, Seychelles rushed over to her sliding doors and walked outside, inhaling the fresh scent of sea-side air, a wide smile on her face. "A quick swim and then I'll return to work! That's a promise!" She shouted to no one in particular, clenching her fists in front of her in a determined way before discarding her blue dress and making a mad dash for the ocean water. She wore a swimsuit underneath, so it wasn't like she was being indecent!

    "Ooooi! Seychelles! Get out of the water and finish your work! It was suppose to be done hours ago! Now you're even more behind than before!" James Michel, the current president of Seychelles, shouted as he flailed around in an attempt to get the brunettes attention. "Oh, crap! Sorry! I forgot!!" Well, she had meant to just take a quick break...
    Feliciano Vargas/Italy
    Feliciano Vargas/Italy
    Pasta-loving boy
    Pasta-loving boy

    Cantidad de envíos : 663
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-19
    Localización : Venezia

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Feliciano Vargas/Italy Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:51 pm

    Aw, what a cute Seychelles you have! You can make an account, I'll approve it! >w<b

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: Roleplay Sample

    Post by Sey Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:58 pm

    Thank you! ^w^ I made one, it's Arielle Coffy/Seychelles! C:
    Feliciano Vargas/Italy
    Feliciano Vargas/Italy
    Pasta-loving boy
    Pasta-loving boy

    Cantidad de envíos : 663
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-19
    Localización : Venezia

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Feliciano Vargas/Italy Fri Jan 20, 2012 11:09 pm

    Ah, I see it. /owo/ I have activated for you, so you can go on and make your introduction thread! \owo/

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by JustMe Wed May 16, 2012 7:47 pm

    Character name: Krystof Novák/Czech Republic

    The birds chirped outside and some sunbeams already made their way through the curtains. It was already past noon but still, why get up when you can lay in your comfy bed and just relax for the time being.
    There were things to do and actually meetings to attend but Czech Republic couldn't care less. He always were a bit late so he didn't even try bothering today, even when he knew for sure he would be scolded again.
    And as if his thoughts had been read his telephone started ringing with the most annoying tone he ever heard. He groaned as he finally got out of his bed and walked over to the source of his already emerging bad mood.
    Oh if only Krystof knew how right he was when he thought about getting yelled at by a certain blond nation. "Krystof! Where are you? You know the meeting is going to start soon. So if you won't be here in the next five minutes I come and drag you here personally!" came a loud and strict voice from the other end. Krystof on the other hand just let out a long sigh before he decide not to test out Germany's tempter today and just get this over with.
    "Dobrý den Germany. Yeah I know I'm sorry about that, but don't worry I'll be there in time. I promise." He replied his voice calm and soft as usual.
    It's not that he dislikes Germany or Germany dislikes see it's just that they have a lot of characteristics differences. You know how Germany is. Always on time, strict, dressed up nicely and he is alway so hardworking. Now there is Czech Republic. He is kind of lazy, clumsy and doesn't really care about work. Sure he has days too that get him to work but those are the fewest. He doesn't do it to annoy anyone it's just the fact that he is like he is.
    Right after Czech Republic finished his sentence his telephone beeped showing him that Germany didn't care to say good bye and hung up. Well seems like today was not going to be a great day spend in bed after all.
    Ivan Braginski/Russia
    Ivan Braginski/Russia
    Sunflower Sadist
    Sunflower Sadist

    Cantidad de envíos : 477
    Fecha de inscripción : 2009-08-19
    Edad : 53
    Localización : Russia

    RP Sample Thread - Page 5 Empty Re: RP Sample Thread

    Post by Ivan Braginski/Russia Fri May 18, 2012 5:29 pm

    You can go ahead and make your account. Sorry for the late answer!

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